Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Wedding Date

We failed to mention that the wedding is on a Thursday. ....Yes Thursday. The reason is because we wanted a sunset ceremony and The Grove only had affordable night ceremonies on non-weekend days. Plus, this would make a great mini-holiday for everyone....and everyone is always looking for an excuse to go to Vegas baby Vegas!!!

Just FYI, we are not planning on registering. We cannot ask for gifts when our guests are paying money to attend. So no being there is gift enough.

Oh yeah, this pic was taken this past Nov. The little number 9 is Kelly's son Cole.....for those of you who have not met him. He is a wonderful, vivacious, awesome little seven year old and I will be proud to call him my step-son. Those of you going to the wedding, who have not met him, will get a chance to meet him then. He's a lot of fun.

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