Kelly and I went to the Mavs vs Warriors game last night and had a blast. Kelly scored tix from some random guy. Anyway, we left early and went to a bar inside the American Airlines Center and watched the Spurs win.....YEA!. Then we watched the Mavs win.....yea.
Kelly was on TV!! The local TV station was up in the cheap seats filming and got Kelly cheering. We got multiple text messages afterwards. It was pretty cool.
...Such an attention whore! Woo-Hoo, Lookit me, in my Izod shirt, la-de-dah!
KB one noticed you, Vitamin J - everyone noticed Kell!
That's because I wanted my girl to have the whole spotlight. Im good like that. And as for you non-soap user you could only wish you had the wherewithall to 1.go to a professional sports game pretty enough to be selected from a group of over 16k people to be on TV and 3.use know what Im talking about. I wouldnt drink out of one of your pint glasses. :)
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