Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's not a toomah!! - Update

Test results from my brothers tumor are in and it was not malignant!!! Whew hew!! We are all happy and grateful.

Peach out!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Robert Milligans

This was an impromptu video that was taken the day Cole bought himself a "spy kit." As you can see he part of the kit included spy-glasses and mustache for a disguise. Check it out.

Back in the swing of things

Ok so I'm finally ready to start back on this again. I guess I can talk about it now without getting soooo pissed. For those of you who didn't know, our IVF procedure back in Nov did not take.....nor did the next one we did this past January. So needless to say we were pretty discouraged....and now broke. But we are still trying so no worries. It will happen. Will keep everyone posted.

Oh yeah, we are redoing our floors and man has it been some work. We have taken out all carpet and tile in all rooms except for the kitchen, utility room and bathrooms. We are putting down wood laminate and new baseboards. It's starting to come together nicely. I will post pictures when we are finished.

Lastly, I want to mention my little bro Diego. A week ago today he was told he had a tumor on his lung and that it had pretty much eaten up one of the three lobes on his right lung. Well, it turns out that he has had that tumor for a couple of years and had not known it. This past Tuesday he had it removed along with a third of that lung. He is doing very well and his prognosis is great. We are still awaiting the biopsy results but the doctors are confident that the tumor is benign. They also said that he will be able to be as active as he wants to be from here on out. In fact, he will have a renewed sense of energy because much of his blood was not being oxygenated because of the tumor. We are all very happy.

I tell you what I am very proud of him. He is such a trooper. Never did he feel sorry for his self and was in great spirits the whole time. Props to you little bro..I admire you.