Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Eagle Has Landed

"The implantation went perfectly," is what Dr. Barnett said at about 12:45pm yesterday. We had two good eggs for implantation and can't be more excited.

I got to go with Kelly in the transfer room. It was pretty cool. A very sterile environment that was connected by a "fast food drive thru" window to the lab where they kept our babies. The doc got Kelly all ready, then the embryologist made his grand entrance with the eggs (thank God he didn't fall because he was walking like he was carrying the world's most precious fragile piece of glass ever). The hand-off to the doctor was slow and precise then doc inserted the eggs....then Voila! we were done. The process just took a few minutes. Here's Kelly and me right before we went in the transfer room.

Kelly is at home right now on bed-rest. She can only get up to get food and go to the bathroom. She will be able to get up and move around early tomorrow afternoon.

Last night she had her first progesterone injection and it went fairly well considering it is a big-girl shot. :)

This next photo is the coolest because not many people get to see their kids when they look like this.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming because we are not done yet. We go in for our official pregnancy test next Wednesday.

Happy Turkey Day!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I'm a couple of days late with this so there is a lot of info.

As you know the retrieval went well. They got 19 eggs. Well we found out on Thursday that there were only 10 eggs mature enough to fertilize and out of those 10 only 7 fertilized properly.

Friday we found out that of the 7 only 1 was "good" 3 were "average" and the rest were "poor." What does good, average and poor mean? We didn't know either. It didn't sound very good though. Nonetheless one good was better than none good so we were still very positive.

What we were told was that since they knew that there was for sure only one good egg there was no need to wait till Monday to implant them. Therefore, we were told to go ahead and come in first thing Saturday morning for implantation.

Our plan was to put in the good one and the best average one...if there was such a thing. However, when we got to the clinic this morning we were greeted with wonderful news! It turned out that overnight the "good" egg turned "excellent" and so did 3 of the "average" eggs. Apparently there is a scale that the embryologists use to grade the progress of the eggs during the incubation period. 1 is excellent, 2 is good, 3 is average, 4 is poor and 5 is ...whatever you get it.

It turns out that our eggs were just late bloomers and that was fine by us. As a result we postponed the implatation till Monday. This give the eggs a couple of more days to progress therefore giving them a chance to jockey for position....the ultimate goal being Win and Place!!

We appreciate everyone keeping us in their thoughts and prayers....SEE IT'S WORKING!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Step 6: The Retrieval

Yesterday Kelly and I went in for the retrieval. Everything went very well. They were able to retrieve 19 eggs!! Kelly was pretty groggy afterward. She slept most of the day and was a bit sore. Today she's still sore but is up and around.

The lab fertilized the eggs yesterday and we expect to hear from them today with a progress report. So if you think about it, barring any negative effects, we conceived yesterday. Wow.....I just keep picturing what our child will look like. I am ....we are so excited. I can't even get any work done today.

Anyway, we are due to go back in on Monday....hopefully sooner...for the implantation. Cross your fingers.

Oh yeah, we start progesterone injections tomorrow. Kelly is not looking forward to that. But no worries, I've been practicing on sticking that HUGE needle in an orange. I got it down packed. I'm so good the orange doesn't even flinch.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sonogram 2

We went in for a sonogram on Saturday. Everything looked good. The follicles were growing nicely. Kelly is starting to get uncomfortable. Ladies, imagine that time of the month when you ovulate. You can feel a little bloated and crampy just for one egg right? Well, imagine having 20+!! She is feeling unbelievably bloated and quite sensitive in the abdominal area. She's a trooper though.

Now we fast forward to today. Kelly went in for her last sonogram. Great news! We have 15 mature eggs for retrieval. The average is 10 to 12. My wife is such an over achiever. She has to give herself a shot of Ovidrel tonight which is supposed to induce ovulation. Then on Wednesday we go in for the retrieval.

The retrieval is kind of a big deal because they will have to put her under. From that point our eggs are in the hands of the embryologist who will fertilize the eggs and monitor them for about 5 days. We are guessing they will put them back in next Monday or so....we hope.

Everyone please keep Kelly in your thoughts. We are very excited!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


This morning we went in for a sonogram to check on the progress of the follicle growth. The tech told us that there were 22....yes 22 follicles there. Now, there are a couple of things to consider. First, we still have a few more days of follistim injections and second, not all 22 will be large and mature enough for fertilization. The good news is that we should have the 10 - 12 wanted for fertilization. It will be better news if we can get more.

We have an appointment on Saturday for another sonogram. We should find out then when we go in for the harvest. That sounds so creepy...like a scary movie when someone wants to harvest another's organs. I guess I should say retrieval.

Anyway, we are thinking the "retrieval" should be next Wednesday. Let's hope.

See ya.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Step 5: Follistim Injections

Last night we started step 5...the Follistim injections. Drugs.com defines Follistim as:
* Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a naturally occurring hormone. FSH is important in the development of follicles (eggs) produced by the ovaries. FSH is also important in the development of sperm.
* Follistim is used to stimulate a follicle (egg) to develop and mature. It is used when a woman desires pregnancy and her ovaries can produce a follicle but hormonal stimulation is not sufficient to make the follicle mature. Follistim is also used to stimulate the development of multiple eggs for in vitro fertilization. Follistim can be used by men to increase the production of sperm.

So now my poor wife is injecting herself twice a day once with Lupron and once with Follistim. She will be doing this for at least another week. We have a sonogram scheduled for this Thursday to check on the follicle growth. We will let you know how it goes.

BTW-I'm not taking Follistim.

Softball Injury

This is just an FYI. When a softball is hit with a bat and it hits you straight in the shin at 60mph it really hurts. Oh yeah and swells up nicely too.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Baby Guevara?

As many of you already know, Kelly and I have been trying to make babies for a while now and have been unsuccessful. After all of these months of trying our only results were two miscarriages and a possible third. As you can imagine, it has been very sad, frustrating and a bunch of other emotions. We have fought, yelled, cried and then finally came to the realization that there is something wrong here and we needed not only answers but help.

So, this past summer we went to see Dr. Brian Barnett who happens to be one of the top 10 fertility doctors in the nation...as rated by Parent or Parents magazine (I can't remember but that's not what's important here). What's important is that he's kind of a big deal and we went to him for help.

We went in wondering why this was happening. I mean Kelly and I are very healthy and still young...relatively speaking. Kelly has had Cole and my family has millions of children. What's the deal here? All of this had been so hard on Kelly because she kept thinking there was something wrong with her.

During our visit, Dr. Barnett had assured us that he would figure out what was wrong and what we can do to get us pregnant but first we took tests. Kelly did a bunch of blood work. I did a bunch of blood work. I also had to give "samples" which was not fun.

So, after a few weeks of this we got some answers. Kelly's results came back very positive. She was healthy and was pretty much deamed to be a baby makin' machine. My self on the other hand, was not as good. It turns out that I have bad or poor....I really dont know what you call it...morphology. Basically, many of my little swimmers are malformed. Now, my first question was what caused this? So I asked Dr. Barnett, "Dr. Barnett, what causes this?" and he said, "Jacob, go see a urologist. I can't tell you." Oh by the way, while our Dr. is one of the best at what he does, his bedside manner sucks. He's a yankee and comes across as being brash. Kelly and I said that it wasn't going to bother us because his track record is awesome. Small price to pay right? Anyway, this gave us the answer to the miscarriages though. Kelly's body, being the highly tuned machine it is, was rejecting the pregnancy because of the malformed spermies. I thought that was pretty cool because it just shows what a wonderful thing the human body is that it knows when somethings not right.

Anyway, so my swimmers are all jacked up and I dont know why...but the good news is that swimming with all the bad are some good ones. Also, modern medicine is so advanced now that they (they being lab people) can physically take out the good from the bad...crazy huh?

So you're asking now what are they (they being doctors and lab people) going to do? Well, after considering all choices we decided to do Invitro Fertilization with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or what is referred to as IVF with ICSI(pronounced ick-see). This is a detailed multi-step process whereby Kelly makes a bunch of eggs, "they" harvest them, fertilize them with the good swimmers, then put the best one back in for cookin'.

That's kind of the 10,000 ft view of what's done and believe me it's a lot more involved than just that. The first step was figuring out what was wrong. That's done. The second step was finding some venture capitalist to invest in our venture. We are very fortunate enough to have wonderful parents (Kay, Lydia, Margaret, Bobby, Rick and Diego) and Aunt Lisa that could help us with this as it is very costly. Third step was finding a starting point...we had to consider Kelly's cycle and a future lab closure. We got that done. Fourth step (which is where we are at now) involves Kelly injecting herself daily in the stomach with a drug called Lupron. Lupron is used to regulate a cycle and slow it down almost as if inducing menopause. She does this for a couple of weeks then everything will be kickstarted again by a drug called Follistim which allows the body to make lots-o-eggs. That's step 5.

I'm going to stop here because you know as much as we do now. From here on out I'm going to keep everyone updated here on each step. I plan on adding videos as well. We want everyone in the loop........cause we love you and we like power in numbers.

Kelly, Jake and Cole

Cole's First Punt

As many of you may know, Cole is playing football for the Frisco Broncos. The other week he was fortunate enough to punt for the first time. This video shows the dramatic events as they unfold. Enjoy.
BTW in this league the defense is not allowed to move during a punt attempt.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Cole: The Shark Rapper

This is a video from Cole's first grade program. As you can see the theme was sea-life. It was a very cute little production. Cole's part was pretty big. He was the hammerhead and he had a rapping part. Check it out. We have had this video (which was taken from my digital camera..hence the poor quality) for a while now but just now had the means to edit and post it.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cole's Birthday

We took Cole to Sea World in July to celebrate his birthday. He got to swim with the Beluga whales. This is a video of him in his little wetsuit. It was cute. Check it out.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Last Entry Before the Wedding

OK FOLKS!! This is it. The big day is in two days.

We are ready and very excited!! We cant wait to see everyone.

The weather will be nice. The high on Thursday is only 87f...so at 7pm it should be a little cooler. That's a big relief.

For those of you who havent traveled in a while please remember you cannot carry on liquids!! If you do, you are only limited to 3oz containers in a 1 quart zip-lock bag. This does not include toothpaste and deodorant.

Those of you traveling on Southwest PRINT YOUR BOARDING PASS NOW!!! So you can get in the "A" group. www.iflyswa.com


Here are our cell numbers:

See you there.

Jake and Kelly

Thursday, May 24, 2007

What's the Attire?

I got an email from my buddy Russ today asking what the attire is for the wedding. I then realized that Kelly and I never mentioned it. Props to Russ for asking.

Well, the average temperature there (wedding is outside) at that time of the year and that time of day is actually only around 87f....if I remember correctly. Since the venue is north of Vegas it's a bit cooler...."but it's a dry heat" (that was for my mom). Anyway, we don't expect everyone, except for the wedding party, to get dressed up. Ladies, a nice cool flowy dress will work. The guys can wear nice pants and a pressed shirt. No tie or jackets unless you want to wear them.


*Meet at the Mirage front entrance a few minutes before 5pm so the busses can pick us up.
*If you are a female and in the wedding party meet at 4:30 at the entrance for the limo pick up.
*Everyone meet at Hofbrauhaus at 6pm on Friday for casual dinner....(one check per table..each table seats 8..just a heads up.)
Map from Mirage to Hofbrauhaus

Don't hesitate to call Kelly 214.542.3303 or myself 214.566.5361 with any questions.

Just two weeks away!!!


Monday, May 14, 2007

After-Wedding Plans Update

Kelly called to check on maybe getting passes to the Beatles Ultralounge club place we were all going to after the wedding. Well, it was a good thing she called because their entry prices went up to $20 from $10 and in order to reserve a spot, we would have to spend $375 for one bottle of vodka for every 4 people!!! Crazy huh?

I know there are "free" lounges at the Mirage so I think the plan is to hit the hotel bar when we get back....and forego the Beatles Ultra"fleece"lounge.

I'm sure we'll have a blast no matter what.

3.5 weeks to go!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cinco de Mayo...and my birthday

Last night Kelly, my mom and I went to On the Border to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and my birthday. We met up with a bunch of friends and had tons-o-fun. Check out the pics.
Our Pics

Thursday, May 3, 2007

GO SPURS GO!!!! Playoffs baby! Round 2. Joey Crawford stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!

Oh yeah I hope the mavs do well too. That was for Kelly.

We will be one month away as of Monday May 7th. Hope everyone is ready. Vegas Baby Vegas!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Playoff Time

Kelly and I went to the Mavs vs Warriors game last night and had a blast. Kelly scored tix from some random guy. Anyway, we left early and went to a bar inside the American Airlines Center and watched the Spurs win.....YEA!. Then we watched the Mavs win.....yea.

Kelly was on TV!! The local TV station was up in the cheap seats filming and got Kelly cheering. We got multiple text messages afterwards. It was pretty cool.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jeff Plays with Brown Chips

One evening last fall I was strolling through the Wynn looking for a realitively "cheap" craps game and came across a private table with four players. Curious, I looked to see the limit they were playing and noticed one Hollywood-looking type playing with brownish-colored $25,000 chips -- and he had several racks of them!! I've been curious ever since as to what is the highest limit casino chip actually used as legal tender on a casino floor.

The highest-limit chip we've ever heard of/seen dates back to when the Aladdin first reopened back in 2000, with the high-limit London Clubs-franchised casino upstairs. They had a $10 million chip -- actually a large rectangular plaque -- which was just a gimmick, plus some other super-high-limit checks for $1 million, $500,000 etc. To see photographs of these, visit this link to thechipboard.com, which is a great online resource and community for anyone interested in rare and collectible chips.
But those no longer exist and we very much doubt they ever made it out of the vault other than for publicity shoots.
In general, the highest-limit chips you'll ever see in action on a casino floor are those $25K ones you clocked at the Wynn. They're commonly brown-colored at other casinos, too. When we called around to confirm this, we learned that other high-end casinos sometimes have chips with a face value of $100,000 (the Venetian and Paris among them), but these are seldom seen on the floor, since they'd exceed the table limit at most establishments and are simply kept in the vault for paying out large wins. We recall seeing a $5,000 chip on the carpet under a crap table where a "private" game like the one you saw was taking place; it was eventually spotted and returned to its owner, but can you imagine dropping and losing a $100,000 chip?

Friday, April 6, 2007

Just Needed to Post Something

Wedding plans are going well. We are pretty much set. Kelly and her mom went to Vegas to visit The Grove and finalized everything. We are very excited. Just 10 weeks away.



Oh yeah Cole had his first grade program last week and it went very well. He had a speaking part as a hammerhead shark. Cute huh?

Monday, March 19, 2007

After Wedding Plans

When we return to the Mirage after the wedding, Kelly and I would like to invite you to join us for some cocktails at The Beatles Revolution Lounge. It is located in the Mirage and is their newly added "Ultra Lounge" modeled after the Cirque du Soleil show.

You can check it out at www.beatlesrevolutionlounge.com.

See you there!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Few housekeeping items:

First. We have had a few questions on what the best way is to get to The Grove on the wedding day. Again, thanks to my lovely fiance, there will be transportation provided (shuttle buses) to and from The Grove. The busses will pick everyone up at 5pm sharp at The Mirage (so be there a couple of min early), drop everyone off at The Grove and then bring you back to The Mirage after. Why are we leaving so early? Well, apparently rush-hour traffic is pretty bad between the strip and where we are going...plus you know loading everyone will take a while. The upside of getting there early is that there will be a cash bar available while everyone waits. The cash bar will turn into an OPEN....yes I said OPEN Bar when the reception starts.

Second, Randy (Kelly's Brother) is no longer working at the travel agency we told you about earlier. Sorry if you found this out on your own. I would suggest researching some deals on the web or call a local travel agent. Oh yeah, if you havent booked yet you might want to get started. Prices are going up.

Third, Kelly and I would like to get everyone together for an informal dinner on that Friday June 8th at 6pm. We have made reservations at the Hofbrauhaus. It is an authentic German restaurant and Bier Garten!!! MMMMMmmm German bier. You can check it out at www.hofbrauhauslasvegas.com . If you can make it great. If not, we totally understand. It's your vacation too. We just wanted to be able to spend a little extra time with everyone if possible.

Other than that our schedule is as follows:

Wed pm - Get marriage license and take Cole to Circus Circus
Thurs am - Kelly out with hens getting prettied up
Jake to hang out with dudes at the pool and whatever else I am supposed to do
Thurs pm - Get married
Thurs late pm - Still up in the air. Trying to set up something.
Friday am - sleep in
Friday aftn - pool, eat & gamble a little
Friday pm - dinner at Hofbrauhaus then Cirque du Soleil show - Trying to schedule a trip to club/bar
Sat am - depart

Everyone is welcome to hang out with us. The more the merrier. Email us or call if you have any questions.

Just 12 weeks away!!!

Casino Thievery

Funny stories submitted by my buddy KB:


With so much money and chips laying around, I figure there must be stories of employees trying to steal from casinos, but my boyfriend says there's too much surveillance for anyone to even try an "inside job." Who's right?


You are.

For this answer, we turned to a friend of ours, a stealth casino manager we'll call Arnie Rothstein (to protect his identity). We asked him to share with us -- and you -- a few of the "weirdest, cleverest, biggest, smallest, funniest, stupidest, and saddest episodes of casino-employee theft" that he's encountered in his long experience in the casino business.

Here they are.

My Friends Were Worried about Me
And that's why he's doing time. A cage employee took racks of casino checks [gaming chips] in excess of a million dollars. The employee did so by removing the racks that were the farthest back on the lowest part of their storage shelf over a period of time. The cage employees failed to notice the missing checks and simply assumed that the casino's entire chip inventory was present an accounted for. Thus, they just entered them as a matter of course in on the shift-assumption tally sheet. This went on for months.

The guilty employee slowly cycled a good portion of the stolen chips back to the casino, using agents and friends to get the cash. Finally, he just disappeared, leaving town for the Bahamas.

After several months, a group of his friends became worried about him and filed a missing-persons report. Because he was a casino cage employee, the story went out over the wires. It was just his luck that, while drinking a beer at a beach bar, he saw his photo on television. He didn't hear the story (the volume was turned down), so he assumed that the feds were on to him. He then went directly to the authorities and turned himself in.

The Bahamians didn't quite understand him, so he wrote out a full confession, which was quickly faxed to the Missing Persons Bureau. Needless to say the Bureau was taken aback by the confession to a major crime from an individual who was either dead or gone.

The employee was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to 20 plus full restitution. He turned on everyone who helped him and they too were sentenced to lengthy sentences.

Go On, Take the Money and Run
But use a change cart; it's easier that way.

This crime took place on opening night in a Midwest casino about seven years ago, only a couple of years after the state passed legislation allowing for Nevada-style gambling. Table floats bulging, slot hoppers were overflowing, and the change carts were full. Everyone was excited and anticipating a hard and busy opening night. Everyone, that is, except for a couple of change people.

It seems that these two young girls had filled their change carts with about $80,000-plus, with the intention of pushing them right out the casino door into a waiting vehicle. The girls and their change carts weren't discovered missing for two days.

It also turned out that the thieves' was gaming permit cards hadn't been approved, due to the Control Board being overloaded with permit requests, and that both girls had applied with fake Social Security numbers and altered photographs (wigs, added moles, and exaggerated weight). They were never caught.

I'll Take that Lamp and Matching Headboard -- Aw Hell, I'll Take It All!
This one took place at a northern Nevada casino about five years ago.

One Friday night, a housekeeper was dispatched to clean one of the finer suites on the eve of the arrival of a high roller. The previous guests of the suite had requested and received a late check-out time. The hotel manager had it timed down to the minute. The housekeeper had about an hour to make up the room.

The next morning, another maid reported that the room was empty and she meant empty! Everything -- from the TV to the bed -- was missing. The hotel manager was completely flummoxed. How could a room that was occupied overnight by a guy who expected to be treated like royalty be completely devoid of furniture without a peep from the high roller?

It turns out that the first maid, with two accomplices dressed in casino maintenance uniforms, emptied the room of all the furniture, TV, coffeemaker, towels, soap, sheets, etc. Meanwhile, down at the hotel desk, the reservations clerk gave the high roller the wrong room number and key. The gambler liked the room, so he decided to just stay there and never said a word. The theft wasn't discovered till a day-shift housekeeper went into the empty suite to make up the high-roller's bed.

The maid was later caught and deported. The TV was located at a local pawn shop. The bed frame mattress and other furniture were never recovered.

Fire Me for Theft? OK! I'll Just Rob You!
This weirdness happened about 10 years ago in a southern Nevada casino. A floor supervisor was caught stealing black chips from a roulette wheel. He was fired. A week later, he returned to the casino, packing a .44 magnum Smith & Wesson handgun, and robbed the same roulette wheel of its chips. He filled a medium-sized trash bag with the chips, then ran toward the door. Unfortunately, two things happened. One, the bag got caught on something and ripped open, spilling chips all over the place. He managed to make it outside with the mostly empty trash bag, only to face down a skinny bike-riding security guard.

At that point, probably figuring that, the Dirty Harry cannon notwithstanding, he was as good as busted, he surrendered to the guy in the bike helmet. The robber got 18 years and is still doing time. Believe it or not, the roulette dealer he held up at gunpoint is his pen pal.

25 Cents, 50 Cents, 75 Cents, My Career
Think no one in his or her right mind would give up a 10-plus-year gaming career for less than a dollar? Think again. This next incident happened in a central Nevada casino about seven years ago.

So, you work for the slot department and you're advised that any money in the tray belongs to the machine (i.e., the casino) and it must be returned to said machine. Conversely, any money found belonging to a customer must be turned in and may be claimed after 30 days. These are the rules and, as an employee, you've signed an agreement swearing to abide by this rule.

Now, say you're making $18 an hour with benefits and you find change in a slot tray that adds up to less than $1. Again, company policy requires that you turn it in. Taking both values into consideration, what do you do? I'm no Monty Hall, but I think the choice is obvious.

But not for this particular slot employee. First, she looked around for several minutes. Then, thinking she was shielded from the eye in the sky, God, and the whole world, she dumped the cup containing 78 cents into her pocket. When confronted with her offense, she was generously offered a deal: Fess up and be forgiven, or lie and take your lumps. She lied. Then, when shown the surveillance tape (three different angles in color), she continued to deny it was her image on the tape. After the surveillance director proved, during her employee hearing, that the image on the tape was, without a doubt, her, she finally admitted it.

By then it was too late. She was a single mother with two young children. She not only stole, but lied, all for an ill-gotten 78 cents. She applied for unemployment, but was denied (by the state).

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Update - Broken Dog-heart

Hadn't posted anything in a while so I thought I would.

We are very excited about the wedding as it's getting very close. Just 3 months away. We hit a couple of milestones last week. First, we ordered the invitations. They are pretty cool....we really liked the theme. Second, we paid off our honeymoon. Ahhhh a week in Cabo. How cool is that?!!?!

Not much else going on. Oh yeah funny story....a little inappropriate but funny.

This past weekend my buddy Greg stayed with us. He was in town for the weekend. Nothing special, just visiting. He brought his new dog Nelson (he is not new but new to Greg.) Nelson is a one year old lab-mix. He's very happy, energetic and large. Needless to say he and our Shepard, Chloe, hit it off. They played and frolicked for hours.

About a couple of hours into their playing time, my mom (who was staying for a brief visit as well), noticed Nelson and Chloe......ehhem......getting intimate. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Chloe is in heat and we are getting her fixed next week. Well, needless to say, I was beginning to panic (visualize me running to the backyard in slowmo screaming in that blurred voice..."NOOOOO!!") The last thing we need is a pregnant dog.

Well no worries cause Nelson was neutered a while back...Whew!!! It turns out that male dogs, even after getting whacked, are still predispositioned to...you know.......hump.

Anyway the funny part...cause you know us humans love to see animals personified........was that Chloe was actually sad when Nelson left. Her first true love left her. She searched the whole house, kept wanting to go out and paced all night looking for good ole Nelson.

He's a pig!! Thanks Greg!!

I felt sorry for her. Anyway, Kelly and I found that funny. Thought you would too.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Survival Kit

My buddy KB submitted this for a blog entry. Good tips on what to bring while in Vegas. Have fun.

Q: My sister is celebrating her 30th birthday in Vegas in a few weeks and I am in charge of making a welcome gift for the guests. I would like to put together a Vegas survival kit as the gift. So far, I have come up with bottled water, aspirin, lip balm, and a snack to add to the kit. Is there anything that you or the other readers suggest I add to the survival kit?

A: Sure. You're off to a good start, but here are some other things we thought of:

-Disposable camera -- If you each have one, someone will remember to take some snaps and no harm done if you leave it somewhere in all the excitement.
-Energy drink -- How about a can of Red Bull or Rock Star to set you up for the evening or pick you up the morning after?
We haven't tried them so can't vouch for their effectiveness, but how about some of those NoHang hangover prevention pills? If they don't work, you'll still have the aspirin to resort to.
-Breath mints -- We like those liquid Ice Drops; the tiny bottle fits neatly in your purse and it's the next best thing to a toothbrush.
-Sunblock -- In Las Vegas, you should never take the sun for granted. You can pick up a miniature bottle of sunscreen in the section of the supermarket that sells, you know, miniature bottles of stuff.
-Cheap sunglasses -- Think Elton, think ZZ. Not only will they prevent nasty frown lines by eliminating the squinting, but they cover a multitude of sleepless nights while making you look aloof and glamorous. Of course, if they're really cheap, you can't lose them, even if you try.
-Condoms -- We don't mean to imply anything about your sister's character, but you are coming here to party, aren't you?
-Bandaids -- For the blisters you'll get from walking around ridiculously enormous casinos -in your less-than-sensible shoes.
Some of those Sarah-Jessica Parker eyemask things, in case it's daylight by the time you get to bed.
-A spare liver.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Ok as most of you already know, my groomsmen are my two best friends, Jeff and Greg and my two brothers, Eric and Diego. Yesterday (and this is really for them) Kelly and I found ties for them to wear during the ceremony. They are a nice gold color that matches Kelly's dress. We found 5 of them and all were on sale!! Whew hew!! Party!! We plan on having the guys wear the ties we bought, white shirts and black jacket and pants. The girls are wearing black tea-length dresses of their choice. Nice, simple and elegant.

We were excited about that milestone....if you could call it that. Anyway, to celebrate, we went to Winstar casino in OK. It was fun and no we didnt win. The place is an hour from where we live and is a bit tame....mainly because you can't drink. Oh yeah and you have to pay them $.50 for every hand you play...that kinda sucks doesnt it? It was fun nonetheless. Janna went with us and she won about $70. Congrats Janna.

That's it. See ya.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Misc Stuff

We posted pics from Nancy's birthday bash last weekend at Mantus. It was fun. Check it out under Our Pics.

Also, Janna wants to know if there is anyone interested in rooming with her during the trip. It would help cut down the cost a bit. Let me know and I'll put you in contact with her.
She's really cool and she says she doesn't snore.........much.

See ya.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Vegas Websites

Here are some cool links for the trip:

www.vegas.com - hotels, shows, nightclubs..etc.
www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam/ - Hoover Dam info
www.cirquedusoleil.com - some french circus show thingy
www.blueman.com - Blue Man Group show
www.lasvegasgolf.com - Go hit the links
www.lasvegaskids.net - Just in case you find a kid somewhere
www.nascarcafe.com - For you Jerry
www.celinedion.com - For you Jeff
www.caesars.com - the Forum shops are cool
www.venetian.com - gondola rides
www.ghostbar.com - rooftop bar - pretty cool
www.hartandhuntingtontattoo.com/ - place to get some ink done....word.
www.palms.com/playboy_club_1.php - Have bunnies deal you blackjack
www.stratospherehotel.com - cool tower and rollercoaster on top
www.learntoplaycraps.net - like it says
www.hitorstand.net - learn to play blackjack
www.bodog.com - learn to play poker...poker?

If anyone has any other suggested sites let me know.

Package Deals

The other night Mark...our friend who lives here in Plano....asked if Kelly or I knew of any package deals they could look into....and we realized that we hadn't even thought of that. So (props to Mark) we contacted Kelly's step-bro Randy, who happens to be a travel agent, and asked if he could send us some info on Vegas packages. And viola!! Here they are. Now please keep in mind these are temporary prices and are subject to change. They will, however, give you an idea of what a trip would cost. The following is the email Randy sent us. If you decide to go this route, please call and ask for Randy Herriage. He will ensure you will get the best pricing. Plus he's just an all around great guy. Anyway, here it is. Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello Kelly and Jake,

I have the following prices for Las Vegas. The prices included roundtrip airline flights , hotel room and taxes based on two adults in a room. I could include transfers, but a taxi is just about same cost and you do not have to stop at 2 or 3 hotel in a van on a hot June day. The airline flights are nonstop on American or USAir (formally America West) or Southwest. The charter only operate on Thursday-Sunday for 3 nights but they arrive at 4pm and If the plane was late the passengers could miss the Wedding! The prices are not bad at this time, I would advise for the guest to try to confirm their bookings as soon as possible. Airline flights to Las Vegas, even in summer do sell out, and returning on Sunday is always very busy. I cannot gurantee the prices until the deposit is paid. All rates are per person based on two people in a room and are subject to change, until a booking is confirmed! I would suggest that the guest take out Travel insurance for the trip. Packages are non refundable and one never knows what can happen, Insurance covers the cost of the trip but has to be for medical reasons . One can not just decide not to go and recieve a refund.

This will give some ideas of the cost. My office number at About Travel is 903-893-6888 or , 800-783-6481.. Please ask the guest to ask for me. I also do package from anywhere in the Texas, United States or the World. I will do my best to make sure they recieve the best rate. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you and Congratulations again. Randy

June 6, Wednesday - June 8 Saturday 3 nights
The Mirage - 492.95
Ballys - 474.87
Treasure Island 456.50
Harrah's - 435.71
Imperial Palace 374.27

June 6 Wednesday -Friday 2 nights
The Mirage -385.16
Ballys - 374.03
Treasure Island - 354.45
Harrah's not available
Imperial Palace - 314.42

June 7 Thursday - Saturday 2 nights
The Mirage -427.60
Ballys- 415.09
Treasure Island -406.51
Harrah's not available
Imperial Palace -344.30

June 7 Thursday - Sunday 3 nights
The Mirage - 542.61
Bally's - 523.14
Treasure Island - 515.81
Harrah's - 492.63
Imperial Palace - 411.37

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Wedding Date

We failed to mention that the wedding is on a Thursday. ....Yes Thursday. The reason is because we wanted a sunset ceremony and The Grove only had affordable night ceremonies on non-weekend days. Plus, this would make a great mini-holiday for everyone....and everyone is always looking for an excuse to go to Vegas baby Vegas!!!

Just FYI, we are not planning on registering. We cannot ask for gifts when our guests are paying money to attend. So no worries...you being there is gift enough.

Oh yeah, this pic was taken this past Nov. The little number 9 is Kelly's son Cole.....for those of you who have not met him. He is a wonderful, vivacious, awesome little seven year old and I will be proud to call him my step-son. Those of you going to the wedding, who have not met him, will get a chance to meet him then. He's a lot of fun.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Beginning

Alrighty. This is the first entry of the blog. Kelly and I thought it to be a good idea to keep people updated on our progress on the wedding by creating a blog. How trendy huh? Well it'll eventually turn into an informative place for our family too so keep checkin'.

Ok back to the wedding. We are getting married in Vegas at a place called The Grove on June 7th at 7pm. You can check it out at http://www.the-grove.com/. It's a great venue (kudos to Kelly for doing the legwork) because they will do it all for us. We will have the ceremony, reception, DJ, open bar, hors d' oeuvres (this is not a sit down dinner so if you're a big eater eat a big lunch)..etc. Pretty cool.

We will be arriving in Las Vegas Wed afternoon (to go get our marriage license) and will be leaving Sat afternoon. We plan on leaving for Mexico on Sunday...honeymoon. We booked our room already at the Mirage on the strip. Kelly has always wanted to stay there and it's pretty nice so that's where we will be. If you can book your room at the Mirage that would be great but feel free to stay anywhere you like. The Mirage had pretty good rates but the least expensive we saw....out of the 8 or so hotels we looked at on the strip.....were Harrahs and Ballys. We looked at http://www.vegas.com/ and http://www.hotels.com. We ended up booking on the hotel's website though.

As far as for the schedule of events for those few days....that will come. We plan on putting together an itinerary of the stuff we plan on doing. Anyone who wants to join us can.

Kelly ordered save the date magnets today. They are pretty cool. Everyone should get a kick out of them. Invitations will follow soon.

Oh yeah, Kelly bought her dress this weekend. My sister Clarissa and Kelly's best friend Misty were with her and they say it is BEAUTIFUL!! I'm excited to see her in it.

More to come. Will send out emails to check for updates.