Saturday, November 17, 2007


I'm a couple of days late with this so there is a lot of info.

As you know the retrieval went well. They got 19 eggs. Well we found out on Thursday that there were only 10 eggs mature enough to fertilize and out of those 10 only 7 fertilized properly.

Friday we found out that of the 7 only 1 was "good" 3 were "average" and the rest were "poor." What does good, average and poor mean? We didn't know either. It didn't sound very good though. Nonetheless one good was better than none good so we were still very positive.

What we were told was that since they knew that there was for sure only one good egg there was no need to wait till Monday to implant them. Therefore, we were told to go ahead and come in first thing Saturday morning for implantation.

Our plan was to put in the good one and the best average one...if there was such a thing. However, when we got to the clinic this morning we were greeted with wonderful news! It turned out that overnight the "good" egg turned "excellent" and so did 3 of the "average" eggs. Apparently there is a scale that the embryologists use to grade the progress of the eggs during the incubation period. 1 is excellent, 2 is good, 3 is average, 4 is poor and 5 is ...whatever you get it.

It turns out that our eggs were just late bloomers and that was fine by us. As a result we postponed the implatation till Monday. This give the eggs a couple of more days to progress therefore giving them a chance to jockey for position....the ultimate goal being Win and Place!!

We appreciate everyone keeping us in their thoughts and prayers....SEE IT'S WORKING!!!

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