Friday, October 26, 2007

Baby Guevara?

As many of you already know, Kelly and I have been trying to make babies for a while now and have been unsuccessful. After all of these months of trying our only results were two miscarriages and a possible third. As you can imagine, it has been very sad, frustrating and a bunch of other emotions. We have fought, yelled, cried and then finally came to the realization that there is something wrong here and we needed not only answers but help.

So, this past summer we went to see Dr. Brian Barnett who happens to be one of the top 10 fertility doctors in the rated by Parent or Parents magazine (I can't remember but that's not what's important here). What's important is that he's kind of a big deal and we went to him for help.

We went in wondering why this was happening. I mean Kelly and I are very healthy and still young...relatively speaking. Kelly has had Cole and my family has millions of children. What's the deal here? All of this had been so hard on Kelly because she kept thinking there was something wrong with her.

During our visit, Dr. Barnett had assured us that he would figure out what was wrong and what we can do to get us pregnant but first we took tests. Kelly did a bunch of blood work. I did a bunch of blood work. I also had to give "samples" which was not fun.

So, after a few weeks of this we got some answers. Kelly's results came back very positive. She was healthy and was pretty much deamed to be a baby makin' machine. My self on the other hand, was not as good. It turns out that I have bad or poor....I really dont know what you call it...morphology. Basically, many of my little swimmers are malformed. Now, my first question was what caused this? So I asked Dr. Barnett, "Dr. Barnett, what causes this?" and he said, "Jacob, go see a urologist. I can't tell you." Oh by the way, while our Dr. is one of the best at what he does, his bedside manner sucks. He's a yankee and comes across as being brash. Kelly and I said that it wasn't going to bother us because his track record is awesome. Small price to pay right? Anyway, this gave us the answer to the miscarriages though. Kelly's body, being the highly tuned machine it is, was rejecting the pregnancy because of the malformed spermies. I thought that was pretty cool because it just shows what a wonderful thing the human body is that it knows when somethings not right.

Anyway, so my swimmers are all jacked up and I dont know why...but the good news is that swimming with all the bad are some good ones. Also, modern medicine is so advanced now that they (they being lab people) can physically take out the good from the bad...crazy huh?

So you're asking now what are they (they being doctors and lab people) going to do? Well, after considering all choices we decided to do Invitro Fertilization with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or what is referred to as IVF with ICSI(pronounced ick-see). This is a detailed multi-step process whereby Kelly makes a bunch of eggs, "they" harvest them, fertilize them with the good swimmers, then put the best one back in for cookin'.

That's kind of the 10,000 ft view of what's done and believe me it's a lot more involved than just that. The first step was figuring out what was wrong. That's done. The second step was finding some venture capitalist to invest in our venture. We are very fortunate enough to have wonderful parents (Kay, Lydia, Margaret, Bobby, Rick and Diego) and Aunt Lisa that could help us with this as it is very costly. Third step was finding a starting point...we had to consider Kelly's cycle and a future lab closure. We got that done. Fourth step (which is where we are at now) involves Kelly injecting herself daily in the stomach with a drug called Lupron. Lupron is used to regulate a cycle and slow it down almost as if inducing menopause. She does this for a couple of weeks then everything will be kickstarted again by a drug called Follistim which allows the body to make lots-o-eggs. That's step 5.

I'm going to stop here because you know as much as we do now. From here on out I'm going to keep everyone updated here on each step. I plan on adding videos as well. We want everyone in the loop........cause we love you and we like power in numbers.

Kelly, Jake and Cole

1 comment:

Mama Margarita said...

Thank you for the written explanation, it helps when explaining to others where you two are at in regards to having a bambino...regarding adding onto the Guevara Clan, that is!!!!!
Love, Mama Margaret... aka Grandma Cha Cha