Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Update - Broken Dog-heart

Hadn't posted anything in a while so I thought I would.

We are very excited about the wedding as it's getting very close. Just 3 months away. We hit a couple of milestones last week. First, we ordered the invitations. They are pretty cool....we really liked the theme. Second, we paid off our honeymoon. Ahhhh a week in Cabo. How cool is that?!!?!

Not much else going on. Oh yeah funny story....a little inappropriate but funny.

This past weekend my buddy Greg stayed with us. He was in town for the weekend. Nothing special, just visiting. He brought his new dog Nelson (he is not new but new to Greg.) Nelson is a one year old lab-mix. He's very happy, energetic and large. Needless to say he and our Shepard, Chloe, hit it off. They played and frolicked for hours.

About a couple of hours into their playing time, my mom (who was staying for a brief visit as well), noticed Nelson and Chloe......ehhem......getting intimate. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Chloe is in heat and we are getting her fixed next week. Well, needless to say, I was beginning to panic (visualize me running to the backyard in slowmo screaming in that blurred voice..."NOOOOO!!") The last thing we need is a pregnant dog.

Well no worries cause Nelson was neutered a while back...Whew!!! It turns out that male dogs, even after getting whacked, are still predispositioned to...you know.......hump.

Anyway the funny part...cause you know us humans love to see animals personified........was that Chloe was actually sad when Nelson left. Her first true love left her. She searched the whole house, kept wanting to go out and paced all night looking for good ole Nelson.

He's a pig!! Thanks Greg!!

I felt sorry for her. Anyway, Kelly and I found that funny. Thought you would too.

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